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Benefits Of Boarding Fido

August 24 2023

Are you planning to go out of town soon?  Whether you’re leaving for an event, vacation, or work trip, you may need to make arrangements for your canine pal. Although petsitters have become a popular option, we would definitely recommend boarding. A Nacogdoches, TXvet goes over some reasons why in this article. 

Safe Confinement

Even with a great petsitter, there could be a chance of Fido slipping out as they are coming or going. One reason that kennels are generally considered the safer option is that they’re specifically built to contain dogs.

Professional Care

Another benefit of going to a kennel? Fido will be looked after by people who have training in dog care. That doesn’t mean that your little sister won’t make a good petsitter. Your canine pal may love your friends and family! However, if something were to go wrong, having an experienced professional around could make a huge difference. (This is also a huge plus for boarding with your vet. They will already have your pup’s records, and be familiar with any health issues he has.)

Perks And Upgrades

Many kennels offer various perks and upgrades. You may be able to sign your furry best friend up for extra playtime, for instance, or have him bathed while you’re away, so you can pick up a clean-smelling dog.


Many people arrange for friends and family members to care for their pets while they’re away. That can work out well in some cases, but there’s also a lot at risk if something were to go wrong. If Fido were to get sick or hurt while you’re away, it could seriously strain or even destroy the relationship.


Many of our furry guests enjoy having a chance to run and play with other pets. Dogs, in particular, really benefit from spending time with other pups. Fido may actually love his doggy play dates!


Once you choose a great kennel, you’ll also be able to build a sense of consistency. Fido may become less uneasy over time if he realizes that the doggy hotel is just his home away from home. This is one reason it’s a good idea to book an overnight stay before heading out of town on a longer trip.Do you have questions about dog care? Do you want to schedule boarding? Contact us, your local Nacogdoches, TX animal clinic, today!

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